Hi'iwai Blessing
commences in the darkness of
pre dawn, as we gather at
Kapalua Bay to cleanse and clear ourselves in the womb of the ocean, then up the hill to bless our newborn baby,
Kapalua Spa.

As the sky lightened, we begin with a circle on the beach to speak of those whom inspire us and why. As we enter the dark waters of the bay, we reflect and release all the stresses, impure thoughts, words and deeds of our lives, especially during the process of opening the Spa. As we submerge under the water and float in the womb, we are cleansed and cleared of these impurities, we emerge from the water toward the lightness of those whom inspire us, as we face the rising sun to start fresh and new. We chant E' Ala E' (Arise! Sun) with hand claps to cast our cares to the rising sun.
We walk in silence up the hill to the spa entrance, which is draped with a fragrant
Maile leaf lei to

symbolize the umbilical cord. Water and salt are united in a
koa bowl, and sprinkled with Ti leaf at and on the Spa entrance and toward all four corners of the spa, as the chanting of the Kahuna echoes through the foyer. Spa Directors Crystal and Natalia cut the
Maile lei of our new born baby, we all enter the new spa!
What a celebration! Representing eight weeks of dedication and hard work, and the bonding of a new '
ohana (family). Now, the Spa is open! Our baby is born!

We have worked eight long weeks on this project. Our '
ohana of massage therapist learned 13 treatments in 4 weeks, as the '
ohana of
facialists did the same. Week 5 the entire staff all came together to physically move and unpack boxes, arrange furniture and equipment. Week 6 was organizing rooms, shelves and cabinets, unloading, folding, stocking, folding and arranging stacks and folding stacks and stacks of linens. Did I say folding? Week 7 we got to "play" Spa as we all practiced our expertise and we all sampled each others tricks and trades. I drank fresh vegetable juices from juice bar,
rejuvenated in yoga and
Somatics classes in ocean view yoga room, worked out on innovative
Kenisis cable machines, received facial and gave numerous treatments to
Kapalua staff who will promote our Spa.

Now, week 8, we are fine tuning each element and open the door to the public on Thursday! Yeah! I will give real treatments to real bodies and receive a real commission! Ah! My bank account is awaiting the deposit of a real paycheck! It needs to be fed!
This explains where I've been the past 8 weeks.... the hour commute each way sucks out my time and energy of blog time. Now, I will be at the spa only (!) 2 shifts a week, so into the ocean I swim and onto the blog I will report!