It has been days of dolphin extravaganzas! The dolphins are ever so playful and happy! Playing, laughing, dancing, singing and cackling with each other and me.

We are playing the fun old games of leaf drop with some dolphins so proud of swimming with multiple leaves on nose, both pec fins and or tail at the same time. They love making me do silly human tricks by leading me on underwater spins, corkscrews and curls. They get such a kick out of me! I love their interactions and tricks. It is mutual love.
I am seeing more and more of dolphins playing with bubbles. When one blows a cloud of bubbles,

another will come and splash through them! I observed a dolphin following a golf ball size bubble up from the depths toward the surface. He was "holding" the bubble on his nose as it rose, and then opened his mouth and gently held the bubble inside his open mouth. He then let it out and followed the bubble up to the surface. It was a display of finesse, gentleness and precise vision.

My friend Sarah is newly enjoying being playful in the ocean as her childhood swim skills return.The dolphins are teaching her to dive. She will soon be dancing with the dolphins with spins and corkscrews underwater!

One day I played with the dolphins for hours until utterly exhausted, completely famished and full pruneiness of fingers, palms and back of hands. I reluctantly left the dolphins to swim to shore, food, relaxation and a towel. I encountered two manta rays on the inside reef. Well, of course I had to give them equal time of following and observing their antics.