They put their tail in, they put their tail out, they put their tail in and splash it all about.... [sing refrain].... They put their
pec fin in, they put their
pec fin out, they put their
pec fin in and splash it all about.... [refrain].... They put their humpback in, they put their humpback out, they put
their humpback in and splash it all about.... [refrain].... They put their head in, they put their head out, they put their head in and splash it all about ....[refrain].... They roll their body left, they roll their body right, they roll their body left and splash it all about. They do the Whale Hokey
Pokey and they turn themselves around. That's what it's all about!! [clap, clap]
Did you sing along to that? And laugh out loud? Great, I was successful!!! Good luck getting the song out of your head today! (Sorry about that!)
We observed a Humpback Whale playground with a mom, a baby, an escort and two other whales rolling, tail slapping,
pectoral fin slapping, spy hopping (popping head and eye out of water), spouting, diving tails up, humpback diving, and rolling some more. They were frolicking and shaking it all about. The spy hop, was to ensure us humans were being entertained. And we were! This game continued for a number of rounds of the song and dance. The song heard underwater was other than the Hokey
Pokey, it was the Whale version, with an other
worldly twist of yelps, howls and clicks.