Big Beach glowed turquoise waters with translucent shore break. The explorers of our swim group headed straight into deeper waters in search of the Humpback whales seen from shore. About a mile out, the whale song grew louder as we saw the whale fish which accompany whales in deep waters. Our heads were all down, expecting to see a gentle giant under us. As the song grew fainter, we knew the whale had drifted away. We turned to swim toward shore. Again appeared whale fish, now swimming in the opposite direction. The whale song volume increased until our bellies vibrated. Bubbles rose from the deep, we knew the 54 foot whale was just below us, stealth and hidden. Our anticipation was palpable, excitement of being in the presence of such a giant creature. Again the song grew faint, as our hopes faded. The adrenalin kept us jubilant and playful on the long swim to shore.
We played in the deep blue waters. Diving to hear the haunting whale song, long moans, short yelps, rhythmic whistles, serene calls serened us. As we turned to see the surface above, the light body of our protective angel, with it's wings spread wide, hoovered over us.

HI LYNNE, my name is Leilani and i follow Dons blog. I follow several blogs but i am addicted to Dons. I now see I am in deep danger of being addicted to yours too!! LOL its Dons fault, thank you for letting me tag along