Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Strange Whale Song

Fun was had by all! Mom and baby had a long siesta on the surface, basking in the welcomed sun and calm ocean. Once in a while, by surprise, would pop up big boy escort with a loud bellow blow. Then under he would disappear, staying protectively nearby.

The fun gang of whales were the low level competition pod of 3 males in pursuit of a female, following her with attempts to impress with lunges, spy hops, rolls and lots of surface activity. We were able to keep up and observe their show for quite a distance, until their slightly quicker pace left us behind to recap the antics.

Sarah and I were contentedly bobbing in the beauty watching distant whale breaches and pec fin waves, when from nowhere came a loud singer directly under me with a sudden, loud song, so loud to be heard above water and the vibration felt in my butt, back and belly. Then silence. Again, the loud cry and vibration. It was my cell phone vibrating in my seat pocket! Usually it is packed away in silence, there only for emergencies. I prefer not to be reminded of life on shore.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOLOLOL!!!! if there were by chance any whales UNDER your kyack I wonder what they were thinking of the vibration that cell was makin??LOL they probably think we are all nuts anyway !!! LO, =0}

  3. Too funny Lynne. I'm sorry that I'm stuck in South Maui this week, perhaps I could join you Friday?
