Sunday, February 8, 2009

Treaure Chest

We thought we found hidden treasure from a Spanish galleon when Doug dove to uncover something shiny in the sand and come up with a silver spoon! The Pink Caps Sunday swim continued to reveal more and more treasures along the route.

Turtles, as usual, gracefully escorted us. Better still was a baby octopus, who gave a great show, strutting his changing colors and textures as he swam over sand, then onto a coral, camouflaging along the way. This photo shows the octopus "hiding" on left of coral!

Yet even better was a nudibranch, Latin for "naked lungs", often with their lungs on the exterior of the body. This guy must have his lungs retracted. What a curious creature!

Better, better yet and best of all was a Frog Fish, first seen while he was swimming awkwardly over open sand, then he nestled in coral and stayed for us to observe and be amazed at such a wondrous creature! He is hanging onto the coral with his pec fin, and grasps each coral knob to move about. His fishing pole was stashed away, but this species has a lure he hangs over his enormous mouth to lure prey of any size.

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