Sunday, February 1, 2009

Manta Ray Day

The water was ultra clear today for our Pink Cap Sunday Swim.

Turtles came in all sizes, medium, large, and extra large. Even if I was trying, I would have lost count at more than 10 Green Sea Turtles

Whales were howling out their happy song, keeping us entertained and tapping our fins.

A manta ray came in for a bit of a dance. Turned out he was a distance manta. First spotting was toward the beginning of our swim, in the middle of the bay. Next swim by, he was out at our final turn around point. He wanted to stay with us, he knows where the fun is!


  1. clear water !!! we havent had clear water on the North Shore for awhile !!!! sigh... MAUI NO KA OI!!!!

  2. MAUI NO KA OE!!!.... u know im really gettin old !!!!
